..A Prayer For God's Blessing   
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I have had much time, over the last 13 years since Faye went to meet her Maker, to think about the value of prayer to Faye and I, as she went through her life-ending battle against ovarian cancer.

Did it help? Did it save her life? The answer to the first question is simple. Yes, it helped us both. It buoyed Faye, and it helped me. The amount of prayer that was heaped upon our heads was overwhelming. We found that people around the world were praying for us, on all continents, and in many countries. There was such an outpouring of love on us. The medical staff gave us little, to no hope, of her surviving the initial operation. When she did, it was considered a testimony to her will to live.

After the second operation to combat infection, she was given no chance to survive, but she did. She lived for two years after that. It soon became apparent to her medical staff that there was a Greater Power at work here. It was called a miracle that she was still alive, and living some degree of quality of life in 1996 and 1997. It is my belief that prayer sustained her and gave me the needed strength to maintain the long hours with little sleep, for many months. So did prayer help? It certainly did. It filled her with the feelings of love and worthiness. It gave me the strength to be "The Wind Beneath Her Wings."

Prayer has become to be known as a force to be considered among medical personnel now. It is my understanding that courses in understanding the power of prayer and a belief in God, on the part of the patient, are now being taught at major medical facilities across the country. Medical personnel are being trained to recognize that a Higher Power often plays an important part in a patients survival and recovery.

Did prayer save Faye's life? No, but it is my belief that it extended it. Was her life meant to be saved? Perhaps not. I choose to believe that God, in his infinite wisdom, had need of her special talents and called her home. Was her death in vain? I do not think so, for because of it, God and she have led me to develop this website as a means of warning all women of the dangers of this insidious disease. It has already save the lives of many of her "sisters" and will do so for a long time to come, I hope. Do I miss her? Yes, every moment of the day and night. But, I have the memories of her and I that will never fade. Will I see her again? Yes, as long as I keep my faith, and belief, I will see her again.

Can prayer help you? Yes, I believe it can. If you are in need of prayer, you can do so simply by dropping to your knees and speaking to the Lord, out loud or silently, as you would a good friend. He is always ready to listen to you. Or seek out your minister or the prayer group in your church. If you are not a member of a church, find one to your liking and become a member of it.

One final comment. For all of those who prayed for Faye's survival, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You DID help sustain her. Please continue your prayers for me as I continue to go through life. I thank you so very much.

Ray Clark, Webmaster

Last updated on: 4 June, 2021
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